Phase II Geoenvironmental Site Investigation
Where a Phase I desk study identifies the requirement for further investigations on a site, a Phase II intrusive site investigation is usually recommended. The investigations are usually designed as a combination of geotechnical and contaminated land assessments, in order to support planning applications or to discharge planning or building conditions.
The purpose of a Phase 2 Site Investigation is to physically inspect the condition of the soil, groundwater and surface water that may have been impacted by the sources of contamination identified in the Phase I Desk Study. The Phase II investigation is site specific with the method(s) of investigation chosen being dependent on a number of factors, such as access, operational constraints, geology, potential contaminant sources and the receptors to be targeted (e.g. shallow soils, groundwater).
The services we offer as part of a Phase II investigation include:
Geotechnical and environmental site investigation design.
Hand excavated pits and hand augering.
Machine excavated trial pits using a hydraulic excavator.
Windowless sample boreholes with soil sampling.
Cable percussive boreholes with soil sampling.
Rotary boreholes and rock core logging.
Mining investigations.
Geophysical surveys.
In situ and laboratory geotechnical testing.
Generic Quantitative Risk Assessment (GQRA) of soil and groundwater.
Detailed Quantitative Risk Assessment (DQRA) of soil and groundwater.
Ground gas monitoring and risk assessment to BS8485:2015+A1:2019
Groundwater modelling.
Interpretative report writing with geotechnical and environmental recommendations.