Laboratory and Analytical Services
We offer a range of environmental and geotechnical laboratory testing, usually as part of our Phase II site investigations. All our environmental and geotechnical testing is completed by UKAS and MCERTS accredited laboratories whom we work closely with to deliver accurate and reliable results as quickly and as cost effectively as possible.
The laboratory testing we offer includes but is not limited to:
Chemical analysis on soils and water for contamination assessment (CLEA metals, TPH, PAH, SVOC, VOC etc.).
ACEC concrete class specification tests to BRE SD1:2015
Waste Acceptance Criteria (WAC) testing.
Asbestos identification and quantification.
Determination of water supply pipe medium as per UKWIR regulations.
Topsoil re-use determination to BS3882:2015.
Particle size distribution tests.
Atterberg Limit tests.
Triaxial compression tests.
Oedometer soil compressibility tests.
Moisture Condition Value (MCV) tests.
Soil compaction tests.
Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS) tests on rock.
Point load strength index tests on rock.
Thermal conductivity tests.