Coal Mining Risk Assessments (CMRA)
Current, former or future surface or underground mining activities represent a risk to existing property and future land development. The United Kingdom has been extensively mined, predominantly for coal, but also for other minerals including limestone, sandstone, salt, chalk and metals. Mining hazards exist in the form of subsidence, combustion and contamination, and can be assessed at desk study stage using data from acquired regional and ‘site specific’ geological maps and mining databases.
There is a statutory requirement for a Coal Mining Risk Assessment (CMRA) to be prepared for development proposals within 'Development High Risk Areas', as defined by The Coal Authority. At DAM Geotechnical, we have extensive experience in identifying, investigating and guiding clients on potential ground stability and health risks posed from the legacy of underground coal and oil shale mining. This process can involve:
An initial desk-based assessment of mining risks.
A detailed desk-based risk assessment (CMRA) using Coal Authority mining reports, mine abandonment plans and geological information.
Recommendations and design for any intrusive mining investigation.
Intrusive detailed mining site investigation with rock core logging and revised CMRA.
Recommendations for existing or proposed developments to minimise or mitigate potential risks.